Astroloji Köşesi

Meral Pala ile Astroloji

Astrologıc Consultatıon

Meral Pala 2
Astrological consultancy is available online via ZOOM)

Birth Chart (natal) analyze and yearly predictions based on modern and traditional tecniques. It takes abaout 2 hours.

Ask the details for a astrologic consultation 

If your birthday is 3 months before or after of your consultancy date, we offer a discount for the yearly consultation. Then consulting is adventageous around your birthday.

You may ask for either your natal promise or yearly consultation. Also you may ask both natal analyze and yearly prediction. You can ask specific subjects about your potentials. For example career or relationship potentials etc…

You may ask also your potentials at any city to work, live or travel. *Astro*Cartho*Graphy will guide you to find the best places in the world. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ask for details and an appointment.                                                                   

Fill the form below.
